Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Personal limitations

If you accept the expectations of others, especially the negative ones, then you never will change the outcome’ – R.I.S.E. Academy (@wakeriseupnowrise)
Abusers use words to maintain power over their victims. It doesn’t matter what kind of abuser they are: physical, sexual, mental, emotional or verbal – they all use words to control their victims. 
You will NEVER make it on your own
Look at you, No one would EVER love you
If you loved me you would ______
You make me so angry…
Why don’t you ever do anything right?
How many of these have you heard? How many have you believed? How many have you spoken? As a child and as a wife and mother I heard so many things that I thought were a normal part of life.  However, after years of healing post-divorce I realized how damaging those things were.  How those words spoken to me in anger, in bitterness, in whatever misguided motivation, affected me.   I believed them.  When my ex told me no one would ever love me, I believed him.   Honestly, I had a long list of reasons why no one would ever love me.  Reasons I would be single until the day I die.  I was miserable.  Everything on that list – he had provided to me, when he was angry, when he was lashing out.  16 years of marriage meant he knew exactly where to hit and how to hurt me.  He knew where I was vulnerable. 
It was only when I learned to put those words out of my mind.  To choose a different thought process, to choose my own life that things started to change.   I challenge you – carefully review the reasons behind your thoughts.  Think about what motivates you.   Choose the positive.  
Know that:You are GOOD ENOUGH
You are GOOD enough! 


You are STRONG enough! 
You love you and that is ENOUGH
BECAUSE you love yourself, you are choosing happiness….
No one can MAKE someone angry; we are responsible for our own reactions… Make wise, positive choices

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